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Sookio's season of learning! Hop on board our webinar train

…and make the most of it

From polishing up your LinkedIn profile, through video presenting skills, to writing for the web – see what we have in store for you.

We’ve been busy under lockdown releasing the new Sookio School course, Effective email marketing. But this is not the only bit of knowledge sharing we’ve been getting stuck into…

We’ve partnered up with membership organisations, business networks and universities to deliver a steady stream of webinars, online courses and live conference sessions. And there’s more to come!

Update (September 2020):

Phew! We’re proud to say that’s a wrap on the summer of webinars. If you’re not worried about getting FOMO, scroll down to see what have you missed. It’s been quite a ride!

Sign up to our newsletter to be the first one to know about any future webinars.

Some sessions are open to anyone and everyone; others are strictly limited to The Chosen Ones.

See below to find out which you can sign up to (and let us know if there’s a topic you’d like us to cover).

Your hosts:

  • Sue Keogh (writing for web, social media, digital topics)

  • Matt Harris (video production)

  • Rory Stobo (copywriting)

Bonus: Watch this space for the upcoming episode of Stanford University’s The Entrepreneurs radio show and podcast, where Sue Keogh shares her experience of running a successful digital marketing agency.

What have I missed?

Aside from Matt’s helpful and information-packed Shooting Stories webinar on creating meaning with a camera?

See this content in the original post

Not gonna lie, quite a lot! The past few months have been a crazy ride of video production webinars, social media workshops and short copywriting courses.

When What With whom

27 May

Better blogging

LAPS (Life After Professional Sports)

3 June

Video presenting like a pro!

Cambridge Wireless

10 & 11 June

Advanced social media

City University Launch Lab

23 - 25 June

Social media campaign planning

Findacure conference

25 June

Digital: the new Dis (Comfort) Zone

Judge Business School

30 June

Shooting stories: creating meaning with camera

Cambridge University Alumni groups

7 & 8 July

Advanced social media

Cambridge Network

17 July

Writing for the web

Glass Mountain (WordPress experts)

23 July

TikTok for Event Marketers

Certain & #EVENTS360

31 July

Tech At Ten: Digital in Healthcare

Digital Northampton

1 August

Running a successful online community

Cambridge University Alumni Leadership Conference

3 August

Shooting stories (free webinar)

Cambridge Network

25 August

Using visual tools for a better UX

Cambridge Wireless x SIG Champions

8 September

Writing for events marketing

Private client

Ask us to speak

Looking for an expert to share digital marketing expertise at your next online event?

Get in touch if you’re looking for an online conference speaker or webinar guest.

Get a glimpse of what you’re in for

Watch the video below to learn Sue’s tips on better blogging:

Glass Mountain’s Joel Hughes interview with Sue Keogh below on Writing for the Web.

Enjoyed one of our workshops or webinars?

Book a chat with an expert!

Whether you have a burning question we didn't have time to tackle in the session or a tricky marketing challenge you’d like to explore in more depth, let’s pick it up.

Book your free call with the host now and we’ll talk it through in more detail!

Need a different kind of help?

Head over to our training page to find out what workshops we currently offer. Or get in touch if you know what you want and are ready to go for it!