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Why is podcasting for your business so powerful?

Sookio loves a podcast. Join us as we share our experience of this growing medium and help you make a business case for hosting your own.

In the UK alone, over 7 million people listen to at least one episode a week. That’s a whopping 24% increase since 2018.

One of those 7 million people is yours truly. So, you can imagine my excitement when I started working with Sookio and got the chance to see behind the scenes of making a podcast.

For me, podcasts have been a gateway to new ideas and have helped me navigate this increasingly confusing world. Whether it’s an insight into the housing market, the wonders of nanotechnology or merely former footballers like Peter Crouch having a laugh. The power of podcasting opens up new worlds.

For those thinking about starting a podcast or tuning in for the first time, I thought I‘d share my top five reasons why I love them.

You’ll also find a handful of my favourite ones to help you get started on your listening journey.

Anywhere, anytime

Listening to podcasts has made some of the more mundane events in life an absolute joy. Whether it’s cleaning out the car (which I hate) or driving to work, you can use this time to learn something new or get some great ideas for a project.

In a busy world, the ability to combine the mundane with the magic of podcasts allows you to make the most of your day, in ways that other formats such as reading cannot. It will change your mindset. Rather than dreading the five-mile run, you can instead see it as time to learn about the sordid affairs of Henry VIII (if that’s your thing).

Personal connection

Despite living in the most connected age in history, many people feel disconnected. It’s the great paradox of our time. The personal nature of podcasts allows you to feel part of a conversation. In my experience, the best podcast presenters make you feel like you are sitting alongside them chatting to a guest. Joshua Fields Milburn from The Minimalist podcast sums it up best by saying, “Worthwhile interactions are what make life worth living.”

Delve a little deeper

Podcasts counter the idea that people only want fast and short content. If you read some of the so-called marketing gurus, you would think people don’t care about quality content. The boom in podcast listeners suggests otherwise, as they are a perfect format for delving deep into a subject and truly examining ideas. One of the world’s most popular podcasts is the Joe Rogan Experience which regularly lasts for two to three hours. If people are interested in the topic, they will want more.

Education, education, education

Before podcasts came along, my commute was an hour of random music. Now, let me be clear, we love music at Sookio. I am regularly treated to a Dolly Parton classic in the office (and told in no uncertain terms to listen to the Dolly Parton’s America podcast too). They have provided me so much knowledge about our industry and have made the morning commute a key part of my day, rather than merely a necessity.

Variety is the spice of life

Variety is what gives life its flavour and with an estimated 750,000 podcasts available, there’s no end to the possibilities of what you can listen to. Basically, if you love a topic, there’ll be a podcast. And if there isn’t, why not start one?

If you’re looking for inspiration, why not try some of my favourites to whet your appetite?

Business Daily

A BBC world service podcast that takes a brief look into all things business. A morning commute staple for me.

Under the skin

The enigmatic Russell Brand is joined by a range of different guests discussing topics from politics to the arts. Despite his critics, Brand engages in genuine conversations and seeks to find answers.

More or Less

Ever heard a politician quoting a bunch of stats from a report and thought that doesn’t sound right? Well, the inquisitive More or Less team take a deeper look into the stats and shed light onto what they really mean. If you are number cruncher, then this is right up your street.

How about harnessing some of that podcasting power?

It’s an exciting time to join the world of podcasting and become a thought leader in your industry.  If you want help producing a podcast, then why not have a chat with us at Sookio , we can help you get started. Happy podcasting!