Watch: inside the University of Cambridge's digital comms

Cambridge University’s titan of communications, Barney Brown, joins us in our latest Facebook Live to discuss how far the University’s digital presence has come, why we shouldn’t be afraid to embrace new things and the importance of letting people speak authentically online.

The University of Cambridge has stood for over 800 years. It boasts 18,000 students, 11,000 staff, 150 departments, and 31 different colleges, so it’s not surprising to hear that there are over 4,500 websites affiliated with the University, alongside thousands of social media channels.

The University of Cambridge’s comms strategy

In our latest Facebook Live, Barney shares how they tackle:

·         Managing crisis communications

·         Examining tone of voice across the whole organisation

·         Harnessing student vloggers

·         The evolution of their social media channels

·         Time-saving digital tools

·         The importance of authenticity and taking risks

·         Re-purposing content you already have

·         Working backwards to find your audience

In this Facebook Live, Cambridge University's Head of Digital, Barney Brown, talks about how the University manages it's social media channels, what challenges it faces and where it's going in future. He also answers questions around which social media platforms to choose, how to appeal to their varied audiences and reach the audience they want.


Plus Barney answers your questions on:

·         Digital communications strategy

·         Testing new social media platforms

·         Interacting with other institutions online

·         Attracting under-represented groups

·         Connecting with older generations

Follow Barney Brown on Twitter @BarneyBrownCAM and the University of Cambridge @Cambridge_Uni

Social media strategy

If you need help putting together a captivating social media strategy, you’ve come to the right place. Get in touch with the Sookio team.


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