Fake mews! Sookio backs Brexit-themed cat café

***Release date: 1 April 2019***

We’re not kitten around! Sookio is proud to partner with Cambridge’s first (and possibly last) Brexit-themed cat café on Mill Road, with doors opening Thursday 23 May.

Amid the uncertainty of the UK’s exit from the EU, one purr-sistent optimist is bringing a slice of cheer to Cambridge. The country’s biggest Remain stronghold will soon host its first pop-up cat café, Rees-Moggy’s.

In a cheeky homage to one of the architects of Brexit, visitors to Mill Road can soon paws for thought with a refreshing cuppa in the company of 12 friendly rescue cats. Owner Avril Cunningham explains the thinking behind it…

It’s the only place in Cambridge that’s barmy for Brexit, from the red, white, and blue décor to the menu itself – who fancies a slice of let-them-eat cake and a hot mug of de-mocha-racy?

Located on the site of Mill Road’s former Lloyd’s Bank, entry will cost you £5, with profits split between Wood Green and the People’s Vote campaign. Children aged over two are welcome, but Rees-Moggy’s won’t be able to welcome babies and younger children due to health and safety concerns (or is that EU red tape?)

With investment from Somerset Capital Management (SCM), the café is set to remain in business for two weeks. Tarquin Livingstone-Ratcliffe, Account Manager for SCM says, “it’s our continuing pleasure to invest in this area of the city, continuing our centuries-long partnership with Cambridge and its people.”

With huge thanks to our friends Rania Kurdi - AKA cafe owner Avril Cunningham - and Julian and Lucy from Cambridge 105 Radio who announced it on the Breakfast Show (and managed to keep a straight face).

Need the purrrrr-fect digital marketing support that’ll make your business the cat’s whiskers? Talk to Sookio today.

Sue Keogh

Director, Sookio. Confident communication through digital content


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