Social media training

Learn with the experts in social media


Fun, practical workshops giving you lasting skills in social media


Social media is constantly evolving – new platforms, new features, and new ways of reaching your target audience.

But which approach is right for your business?

Our social media sessions for marketing teams give you the confidence to use the latest social media trends, tools and techniques, leaving you better equipped to get results from your social media activity.

All our social media marketing training is bespoke, so if you would like us to run training for Instagram, Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn, or around a particular strategic challenge, just let us know ahead of the session and we’ll come up with content and activities to suit.

Always focusing on your business goals, our social media workshops are full of tips you can apply straight away.

Why our social media training works

  • Best practice examples to inspire you

  • Competitor and sector research ahead of the session

  • Activities before, during, and after the workshop

  • Expert trainers who are recognised experts in social

  • Added extras, like social media guidelines

  • Plain-talking approach

  • We make it fun! No question is a stupid question

Meet the trainer: Sue Keogh

Our Founder is a specialist in social media who loves sharing her knowledge and helping people get to grips with the latest trends and techniques.

Whether she’s running a workshop with Sony, Hodder & Stoughton or the University of Cambridge, or a small business owner or one-man band, she makes social media training fun and offers a ton of practical tips you can apply straight away to supercharge your socials!

Sue also hosts Sookio School, our online suite of courses in digital marketing and is regularly asked to speak at events, on the radio and on podcasts.

Take a look at our YouTube channel for a choice of recent webinars in social media too, and pick up some tips ahead of your course. Or see Sue’s bio in full.

Our two most popular social media courses


1. Introduction to social media

Group intros and discussion, to get a feel for people’s understanding of social media and the challenges they face

Focus on key platforms: Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, plus visual platforms Instagram and YouTube. What content works and who is using them brilliantly in your sector?

How to create engaging content: the copy that encourages people to respond and share and the importance of using images and video content in your posts

Essential social media tools to help you save time and get results

Plus! Fun activities before, after and during the session.

Social media workshop with an education provider

2. Advanced social media skills training

This session is about being more strategic – using social media advertising, dealing with negativity, setting goals, and running campaigns. You have the basics, now it’s time to really make your social media activity as effective as it can be.

Group discussion about objectives and challenges

Strategy basics: your objectives, your audience, your channels, your resources

Using social media advertising to reach a targeted audience

Dealing with negativity online. What problems should you expect? How can you stop them escalating? What can you do in advance to stop this happening?

Your social media toolkit. The time-saving tools that help you plan, create and schedule content, and report back on activity

Plus! Fun activities based on your real-world challenges.

How much does social media training cost?

We have a simple approach to pricing with all our courses:

Half-day workshop: £1575 for up to five people plus £150 per person on top

Full-day workshop: £1875 for up to five people plus £180 per person on top

Bespoke guidance from the session: £375

Any extras?

Plus VAT at standard rates and any reasonable costs for travel.

Due to the prep time that goes into our social media courses, the costs are the same for in-person and online delivery.

  • I am now using social media with confidence and flair and couldn’t have done this without Sookio’s expertise.

    Working with Sookio was invaluable to our social media strategy.

    I always looked forward to our sessions as they were so easy to work with and had an enthusiastic and no-nonsense approach to social media which we took on board in an instant.

    They seemed to get “us” as a company and their input was vital. I am now using social media with confidence and flair and couldn’t have done this without Sookio’s expertise.

    Marketing Manager, Raffingers Stuart accountants

  • Sookio make social media fun.

    They add another dimension to social media which I haven’t found anyone else present in such a manner.

    Sookio delivered at my workshop for SMEs a fantastic presentation and I have no hesitation in asking them back. If you want someone to bring social media alive ask Sookio.

    Organiser, Global Entrepreneurship Week

  • They genuinely care about the companies they train and want them to reap the benefits of their social media campaigns.

    We have been delighted by the Social Media Workshops that Sookio have run for us.

    They are a mine of information and bring the theory of social media to life with insightful examples from industry that the businesses we work with can really relate to.

    They genuinely care about the companies they train and want them to reap the benefits of their social media campaigns.

    Destination Digital Project Manager, Cambridgeshire County Council

  • As a result we successfully doubled our number of followers.

    Your Twitter training built the confidence of the team to share news and updates about our installations. As a result we successfully doubled our number of followers and attracted more visitors to the events.

    Marketing Manager, Art, Language, Location