Try the first sookio school course: Digital Marketing for Events

We would like to announce the launch of our new series of bitesize courses, Sookio School - kicking off with Digital Marketing for Events.

Who are the courses for?

Sookio School is for you if you want get to grips with digital marketing. Perfect for small business owners or if you're part of a large, established organisation and simply want to boost your skills and keep up with the ever-changing trends.

Our courses will give you confidence in using the different social media platforms, blogging for your business, and creating the content that drives traffic to your website and generates sales.

What's the format?

The courses are all online, broken down into smaller modules for you to follow at your own pace. We like to explain things clearly and simply - no jargon!

Filmed at Sookio HQ and presented by yours truly, they'll be full of best practice examples to inspire you and regular quizzes to help the tips and techniques sink in.

What else do you get?

We're also launching a special members-only group on Facebook where anyone who takes one of our courses can discuss their challenges and successes with others in the Sookio School community.

Join our mailing list for the latest updates and promo codes too!

Why are we creating these courses?

I've trained thousands of people over the years - at places like Sony, Hodder & Stoughton, Government Digital Services, Cambridge University and in small business workshops - and what I hear all the time is that people feel left behind by the fast-moving trends in digital. They also want things explained simply - no jargon!

So what I want to do through these Sookio School courses is demystify digital marketing so you feel more confident in using the latest platforms, tools and techniques to help your business grow.

What courses are on offer?

We'll be releasing new courses throughout the year.

First up is Digital Marketing for Events. Six modules full of the tips and tricks events organisers miss, to help you drive ticket sales from your website, create social media posts worthy of a standing ovation and build a community who will be coming back for more.

Then look out for our in-depth guide to blogging for business, introductions to all the core social media platforms including Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, and practical courses on online copywriting.

Great. Where do I start?

Head to the Sookio School website and join our mailing list for a discount code off your first course.

Sue Keogh

Director, Sookio. Confident communication through digital content


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